Assessments: Verifying Calibrated assessments
We have resolved the issue where some calibrated assessments did not provide a Verify option (the Verify button was not displayed).
Assessor: Assessment history table/Assessment date mismatch
For users in some regions the verified date associated with past assessments in the history view did not match the verified dates within the assessment itself. This has been resolved.
Assessor: Platform maturity scores in the Assessment vs. Assessment History table
In some instances the latest verified maturity reflected in the assessment history table did not align with the latest verified maturity in the assessment. These are now in sync.
TRACC eLearning Cogs: 'Unable to synchronise subscriptions' error
Some users at higher levels in their organization's area tree received an 'Unable to synchronize subscriptions' error message when attempting to access the TRACC eLearning Cogs. Users will no longer receive this error message.
Planner: Update to target date calculations
Plans from older Platform versions with targeted action items did not correctly update the target maturity in the assessment history graph. A script has been developed to deploy an update for affected plans, so that the target maturity correctly reflects planned work.
Planner: Comment migration
Comments captured in assessments from older platforms did not carry through to all of the associated action items in the planner. A script has been developed to import these missing comments so that they reflect in the affected plans.
Updated main menu
We have updated main Platform menu, including a revised colour scheme and collapsed view with tooltips.
Area-specific User Administration
Platform administrators are now restricted from adding, editing and deleting TRACC user accounts outside of the Administrator's assigned area.
Assessments: moved Progress Chart
The assessment progress charts, previously accessible in the theme navigator when inside an assessment, has now been moved onto the assessment landing page. Multiple progress charts can now be displayed simultaneously.
Assessments: opening page performance improvement
The detailed assessment history chart, table of historical assessments and progress charts for TRACCs are now collapsed by default, speeding up access to your assessments. The first TRACC in your list will open by default.
Custom support page
The CCi team is now able to create a custom support page for your organization, accessible via the Help menu.
Switching to areas where users are not assigned access
Users can now switch to areas they don’t have a role in. The Platform automatically shows the Assessment page for those areas, where they will have a read-only view of the criteria responses and associated comments and evidence. Access to other Platform features are restored when users switch back to their assigned areas.