TRACC eLearning Cogs
Resolved: A number of errors related to accessing the TRACC eLearning Cogs, for new and existing users, have been rectified.
Resolved: The toggle to view the verified responses in an assessment now correctly reveals the latest verified responses.
TRACC Resources
Resolved: For some upgraded TRACCs, the associated resources for a previous version were incorrectly being displayed. This fix now only shows the resources for the latest version of each TRACC.
Work Bundles: Editor
When creating or editing a work bundle, the TRACC suite and TRACC eLearning Cogs are no longer displayed as options in the TRACC selector.
KPIs: Editor
When creating or editing a KPI definition, you can associate specific TRACCs. The TRACC suite and TRACC eLearning Cogs are no longer displayed as options in the TRACC selector.
Platform menu
We have standardized the formatting of the TRACC Platform menu (upper and lower case) in all languages.
Training scheduler
In our previous release, the list of scheduled workshops only showed workshops that you are assigned to, or where you are the trainer. This list is now sorted with the most recent workshop dates appearing at the top of the list.
Area permissions
If you have an additional role outside of your home area in the Platform, the specific role permissions in those areas take effect. When you switch to another area where you have a different role, your ability to access platform functionality will change. This includes access to Platform menu items and the ability to access features within the Assessor, Planner and Training scheduler.
License notifications
Emails will be sent to the TRACC Client Support team when licensed sites are added that exceed the currently set limit. Our support team will work actively with your Account Directors to adjust these limits where required.
Configuration settings
Your Administrators can now contact the TRACC Client Support team to adjust a range of configuration settings that apply to the Assessment and Plan views in the Platform.
These settings include the ability to:
- Show the latest responses to assessment criteria by default
- View any sub criteria by default (this also includes any minimum evidence requirements which have been included in the assessment templates)
- Show only 'client wording' where you have reworded any of the standard TRACC criteria
- Automatically enable any assigned work bundles in an area, as well as 'lock' the work bundles. When locked, this prevents the user from being able to switch back to the standard assessment and plan views.
Comment editor
When copying assessments in the previous version of the Platform, any comments in those assessments were copied as well. In the migration to the new Platform, we've merged all comment history, resulting in those copied comments now displaying as duplicate comments. We've now introduced an easy way to quickly select multiple comments that you wish to remove from the comments and evidence view.