Reporting: Aggregate Maturity report
- green colour coding for overall averages across multiple TRACCs, where all TRACCs have been assessed in a reporting period (actual verified maturities)
- yellow colour coding for overall averages across multiple TRACCs, where all TRACCs have not been re-assessed in the reporting period, i.e. all maturity ratings used to calculate have been carried forward from previous reporting periods (red)
Planner: Start and Target dates
Users in some regions reported the Start and Target date selections in the planner switching to an earlier date due to their regional settings. These fields now reflect the dates users selected.
Planner: Marking an action as complete
When marking an action complete in the plan there were instances where the overall progress percentage did not update to 100%. This has been rectified.
Assessments: grid view
An updated grid view of the assessment has now been deployed, which allows the assessment team to review more criteria at a time.
Planner: Plan export
When exporting the implementation plan to Excel, the export will now only include the TRACCs that you have selected in the TRACC filter.
User Administration
The welcome e-mail received for users whose organisations are linked up to Single Sign-on (SSO) will no longer be requested to set up a password to access the platform.
For clients migrating from earlier Platform versions, we now migrate KPI data. These KPIs can be linked to TRACCs in the Admin Console.
Users can now view the progress of KPIs and also compare these to aggregate maturity improvements for the site.