Training scheduler
Resolved: In some instances, editing dates for a single day workshop incorrectly converted it to a multiple day workshop.
Resolved: When setting start and target dates in the planner, some scenarios previously only allowed you to select dates up to the end of 2022.
Interface translation
Resolved: Some interface labels were inconsistent when viewing the Platform in U.S. English vs. U.K. English.
Calibration assessments
Resolved: You can now export ad-hoc, verified and calibrated responses to an assessment via the standard assessment view, or while calibrating the assessment
Exporting via the standard assessment view:
Exporting while calibrating:
We have replaced the expanded assessment criteria view in favour of a pop-up which displays the related TRACC content, criteria and resources.
Work Bundles
In the Work Bundle assessment view, the Bundle Maturity rating now calculates based on the total number of stages referenced in the bundle. For example, if only Stage 2 actions form part of the work bundle, the maximum maturity rating will be 2.
Admin exports
In the People page of the Admin Console, administrators can now export the User Activity report showing user logins by area.
Feedback widget
CCi is trialing a feedback widget to gauge how you feel about the Platform. Please give us your feedback!