TRACC Platform Overview
TRACC Platform is developed by CCi to provide a user-friendly tool for monitoring, assessing and planning TRACC implementation throughout an organization. It uses an area tree structure to represent the departmental and geographical hierarchy of the organization. In each area, it enables you to assess the current maturity of all the TRACCs to which your organization is subscribed. You can track progress over time and develop a detailed plan for carrying the best practice implementation forward.
The application includes reporting tools that you can use to gain insight into the status of TRACC progress in the organization, and the effect of this progress on actual performance.
Additionally, TRACC Platform functions as a knowledge management system for the TRACC content and for the organization's in-house best practice documentation.
How the TRACC Platform works
The implementation teams regularly use the 'Assessor' to assess the best practice maturity of their organizational area. This assessment is typically done by a multilevel, multidisciplinary panel from the area.
Based on these maturity assessments, the 'Planner' generates a plan of suggested Stop 'n Thinks (STs) and Implementation Actions (IAs) required to progress to the next stage of maturity. A consolidated plan is generated for all TRACCs assessed.
The next step is execution – by clicking on the specific action to execute, users access detailed advice that is supplied as individual knowledge objects from the TRACC content. The team needs to discuss these guidelines and decide how they will implement them. TRACC Platform also refers the team to training modules and a variety of transactional tools to assist them during the implementation process.
When they complete plan activities or answer 'Yes' to assessment criteria, the implementation team can upload documentary evidence of the progress in their area. These Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) documents are available only within their area.
Best Practice Leaders (BPLs) can configure the TRACC material by adding comments, files, images and URLs. These documents provide a supplementary knowledge base that all registered site users can view. They can also configure assessment criteria and assign implementation structures to suit the organization's requirements.
Process overview
The following steps describe a typical procedure for implementing TRACC using the TRACC Platform:
Creating an assessment – The implementation team for each area creates an initial assessment for each TRACC.
Conducting assessments – Members of the implementation team answer a series of assessment criteria for each TRACC to assess their current maturity profile.
Verifying assessments and creating a plan of recommended actions – The Implementation Lead verifies the latest maturity for each practice which is then used to automatically create a plan of recommended actions.
Editing the plan – The implementation team members edit the plan by specifying details such as start dates, target dates and responsible persons.
Completing assigned tasks – During the TRACC implementation process, users accept tasks, then add comments, files, images and web links to the plan activities as evidence of completion.