This article outlines where a user is able to find comments and Portfolio of evidence (PoE) that have been uploaded onto the Platform.
Comments and evidence uploads can be found in the Assessor, Planner and Documents pages.
Evidence can also be found in the Documents section.
Note: comments saved as evidence will be searchable in the Documents section, but not comments that have been saved as a comment. These comments will only be available in the relevant assessments and plans. Please see below for more information under each of these sections.
If a comment or evidence is added to a criterion in the Assessor, it is specific to that criterion. These uploads can also be found linked to related action, in the Planner.
If a comment or evidence is added to an action via the Planner, it is specific to that action. These uploads can also be found linked to all the related criteria, in the Assessor. You can simply navigate to the applicable Assessment and locate these uploads by checking for the action code on the criterion card based on the action it was uploaded to (see above image).
Or, you can expand the action details in the Plan. It will list the criteria (as seen below) that the action is linked to. You can use this criteria as a guide to locate the action in the Assessor.
All evidence added via the Assessor or Planner can be found in Documents. Comments are not surfaced in the Documents section. However, comments saved as evidence can be located in the Documents.
The Reader does not display evidence or comment uploads. The Reader will only display Best Practices and Standards uploaded via the Documents page.