A 'target maturity' is calculated based on the forthcoming scheduled actions in the plan. As you assign actions with a target date, the target maturity based on the predicted closure of that action will display in the assessment history chart.
Target maturity formula is as follows:
Target Maturity = Verified Criteria + Planned Actions
When you assign target dates to an action or process step in your planner, the target indicator in the chart will use the latest target date for that action.
The below example indicates that an action or process step in the 'Human Capital' practice has an assigned target date for 15 March 2024 as the latest date.
To calculate the target maturity, the chart will assume that by closing the action out on that date, that the team will be able to respond 'Yes' to the remainder of the associated criteria for the applicable action. The target maturity for 15 March 2024 will increase to reflect the additional 'Yes' responses, although these responses will be virtual and will not be recorded in the assessment itself.
The target maturity indicates what the maturity for the practice will be once the applicable action is completed.
If all actions linked to stage 2 of a practice have assigned future target dates, the target maturity should reflect a maturity score of 2. If all stage 3 actions for a specific practice have assigned future target dates, the target maturity will reflect 3 as so on.
As you assign more target dates for actions in the practice, the higher the target maturity will be.