An assessment can be calibrated by a third party expert to determine whether the assessment maturity correctly reflects required standards. The results of the calibration assessment act as a 'health check' of the area, and can be used to assist the implementation team in better understanding the conditions under which they should respond 'Yes' or 'No'.
What to note when doing a calibration assessment
- You can only calibrate the latest verified assessment.
- A calibration assessment should always be linked to a specific verified assessment (you can have many calibrations over time).
- If you want to continue calibrating an assessment at a later date, you will then be updating the existing calibration and associating a later date to that calibration.
- You cannot copy a calibration assessment.
- You cannot verify a calibration assessment.
- You can delete a calibration assessment. However, please note that if you delete the verified assessment, it's calibration will also be deleted. This is linked to the same permission that allows you to delete any assessment. The system will also provide an alert to warn you.
- The Excel export will compare the calibration to the Verified assessment.
- Comments captured while calibrating will be tagged as 'calibration comments' and included in the Excel export - only the most recent calibration comments will be exported. Calibration comments are highlighted in yellow.
9. You can view a current assessment with the Yes and No ad-hoc (latest) responses and turn on the calibrated responses toggle, which will then show the latest calibrated responses.
You can reference How do I implement a calibration assessment? for further information.