This article takes you on a quick introductory tour of the V8 TRACC Platform Plan tab. The Plan tab of the V8 TRACC Platform is where you will review and update the plan for the selected area. This tab displays the actions for all the TRACCs you're implementing.
The screen shot below highlights the key features.
- Plan tab: click here to access the Plan tab
- Toggle arrow: click on the blue arrow to open the menu to toggle TRACCs on/off in the Activity Plan
- Plan filter: plans can be filtered using the following options:
Assessment Status:
- Required - these are actions where at least one associated criterion is not answered as ‘Yes’
- Verified - these are actions where ALL the associated criterion are answered as 'Yes'
- All - all the actions regardless of the assessment status
Plan Status:
- Unassigned - plan actions that have not yet been assigned a responsible person
- Assigned - plan actions that have been assigned a responsible person
- In Progress - actions that have been accepted
- Completed - actions that have been completed
Additional advanced filters are available to filter by responsible person and activities within specified date ranges.
4. Action card: the action card summarizes the status of each action including progress %, responsibilities and due date.
5. Action item details: For more detailed information you can click on the card and it will expand to show you the process steps and resources.