The TRACC Maturity report is a pivot table that displays the latest available actual, and aggregate assessment maturity in each assessment period, for each area within the selected section of the area tree.
By default, the Maturity Report shows maturity data for two reporting periods:
- the most recent assessment maturity between 1 January and 30 June for the first period, and
- the most recent assessment maturity between 1 July and 31 December for the second period.
Note: The periods can be adjusted by contacting TRACC Client Support at
Leaf nodes (lowest area in each area tree – usually the line level) are first used to populate the aggregate maturities. The maturities are then aggregated by TRACC suite and then by parent area up the area tree. The score in a parent area (for example, the site level) will be the average of its leaf node scores, even if there is an assessment in the parent area for the same period and TRACC.
To display the TRACC Maturity report, select the appropriate section of the area tree and then open the Reporting page and click the View Report button above the TRACC Maturity report widget.
1. Actual verified maturity (black) – this is the verified maturity rating for a TRACC practice within a reporting period, and represents an assessment conducted at that area. If more than one verified record for a specific practice exists during that reporting period, the latest verified maturity will be used.
2. Aggregate score (green) – At a parent node, aggregated assessment maturities that are based on actual assessments verified in a reporting period will be displayed in green. This means that all the areas under that parent area have verified all the practice assessments for that assessment period.
Leaf nodes (lowest area in each area tree where practices are assessed) are first used to populate the maturity (shown in black or red). The maturity scores are then aggregated by TRACC suite, and then by parent area up the area tree (shown in green). The maturity in a parent area (for example, the site level) will be the average of its leaf node maturities, even if there is an assessment in the parent area for the same period and TRACC.
3. Actual assessment score pulled forward (red) – If an assessment has not been verified in an assessment period, the previous period’s verified maturity will be copied forward to provide more accurate aggregate calculation for that practice at parent levels. This copied maturity is in the report only, and will not create an actual assessment in this area in the TRACC Platform. The maturity ratings that have been copied forward are displayed in red.
If a verified maturity has already been copied forward three times, the area will be regarded as no longer assessing that TRACC, and the maturity will not be copied forward again.
4. Aggregate score pulled forward (amber) – if an aggregated assessment maturity is displayed in amber, it means that at least one leaf node below that area did not verify the assessments for the indicated TRACCs in the selected assessment period. The assessment maturities for these leaf nodes were therefore copied forward (i.e. the leaf node scores are red).
This can be used to determine at a glance whether groups of areas have verified particular TRACC assessments during assessment periods.