The percentage progress value for a Stop 'n Think (ST) or Implementation Action (IA) item is automatically calculated by aggregating the average of its process steps. If the result is a decimal figure, the system rounds it off to a whole number.
Using the following example, the 19% progress for 2ST1 'Supply Chain Strategy' is calculated by adding the percentages of the eight process steps below, and dividing them by 8.
100+50+0+0+0+0+0+0 = 150
150 ÷ 8 = 18.75
18.75 is then round up to 19%
Progress percentages cannot be edited manually. A ST or IA is therefore only complete once all of its process steps are marked as 100%.
The process step progress percentages will automatically update when the assigned user accepts or completes the associated task in their TRACC Explorer.
Process step progress will be:
- 0% if the process step is unassigned, if it is assigned but its associated task has not yet been acknowledged, or if it has been rejected
- 50% if the process step has been assigned, and the associated task has been accepted and is in progress
- 100% if the associated task has been completed
You can refer to the article How do I complete Plan Tasks? for more information on how plan tasks are completed via the TRACC Explorer.