There are two methods that a trainer can use when inviting participants to complete Blended Learning training modules or workshops:
- Invite via Individual Participants
- Invite via the Directory
Navigate to the workshop invite
Step 1
Log in to the TRACC Portal and click on the TRACC Explorer tile.
Step 2
Select the Learning tab from the top menu.
Step 3
Select Browse Training Modules.
Step 4
Select the relevant workshop from the catalogue.
Option 1: Invite via Individual Participants
Note: this method only allows you to invite participants whose Explorer identity belongs to your area and its child areas, and the root level.
Step 1
Start typing the name or email address of the participant in the Individual Participants field, in the workshop invite.
Step 2
Select the participant from the auto-populated user list that appears. It is essential that users are selected from the list so that the user identity can be reached.
Step 3
Click the add (+) icon once the user has been selected.
Option 2: Invite via the Directory
Note: this method allows you to invite any user who has an Explorer identity, from any area, in the area tree.
Step 1
Click Add from directory in the workshop invite.
Step 2
Navigate to the area that the participant's Explorer identity is assigned to and select it.
A list of users whose Explorer identities belong to the selected area will appear in the Select Users list on the left.
Step 3
Select the checkbox of each user you are wanting to invite.
Step 4
Click the forward arrow icon to move the users across.
The selected invitees will now appear in the Selected Users list on the right.
Step 5
Click Add to training module.
Step 6
Click Save once all trainees have been invited.
All invited trainees will receive an automated 'TRACC Explorer Workshop' email.