Leader Standard Work (LSW) tasks are assigned by administrators via the Task Library in the LSW application. Tasks are assigned to a specific area or role, and a user will only see tasks that are relevant to their task role, in the area that they are assigned to.
Users can also view other users' tasks in their area. This function enables users to understand progress and complete tasks on behalf of other users, in case of absenteeism.
Note: in order to view the assigned task, users must have an identity for the role the task was assigned to, and belong to the area that the task has been assigned to in the 'Manage Roles' section.
To assign new tasks to users:
Step 1
Navigate to the Task Library and click Add Tasks.
Step 2
Complete the task template accordingly.
To assign existing tasks to new users:
Users who are provided with the applicable role, in the applicable area, will automatically receive pre-existing tasks that were set up for that area and role.
To view assigned tasks:
Users can view tasks assigned to their area and role in their Dashboard, Tasks list or Calendar.
Users can view tasks assigned to others by:
Step 1
Expanding the Area Tree and navigating to the area the user identities have been assigned to.
Step 2
A list of users whose LSW identities belong to the selected area will be displayed. Click on the user whose tasks you would like to view to see the tasks assigned to them.