This article takes you on a quick introductory tour of the V8 TRACC Platform Dashboard. The V8 Dashboard replaces the TRACC Explorer Dashboard from V7.
The screen shot below takes you through a quick tour of the key features.
- Assigned Tasks: tasks that have been assigned to you, but not yet accepted
- In Progress Tasks: tasks that you have accepted
- Maturity Progress: the dials show maturity in each active practice in the selected area. To the right of the TRACC name you can see by how much the verified maturity rating has increased or decreased.
- Plan Progress: shows the progress against the agreed implementation plan. Actions completed, in progress and overdue in each month are indicated
- Recent Activity: this indicates the three most recently uploaded documents (including resources or standards) for the selected area
- Recently added evidence: this indicates the three most recently added evidence documents for the selected area
- ?: this is where you go for Help & Support
- Switch Instance: this is where you switch between installations or instances of the TRACC Platform. For example, if your organization has a Training instance of the Platform you can switch to it here.
Future Functionality
The Dashboard is not currently customizable, but this functionality will be built into future upgrades. The Dashboard will also offer role-specific widgets for different roles such as Best Practice Leader, Trainer or ELC Member.