How do I copy an assessment from a child area to a parent or sibling area?
When you copy an assessment, only the assessment itself is copied – no other objects associated with the assessment, such as action plans or linked assessments, are copied. As part of the process, you are also required to change the name and date of the new copies to distinguish them from the original assessment.
To copy an assessment to a parent or sibling area, perform the following steps:
Step 1
In the Assessment List pane, select the assessment you wish to copy. This highlights the assessment.
Step 2
Right-click the assessment and select Copy Assessment.
Step 3
The Copy Assessment dialog box opens. By default, the assessment is copied to the current area.
Step 4
To copy to other areas, click on the Area icon to open the area tree. Check the boxes of all the areas you want to copy the assessment to. Click Continue to return to the Copy Assessment dialog.
Note: You must have access to any area where you wish to create or move an assessment.
Step 5
Type a new name or description for the copied assessments in the Description field.
Step 6
The copied assessments must have a different assessment date to any existing assessments in your target areas. To select a new date, click the Calendar button and select a date from the pop-up calendar.
Step 7
Click the Create button to save the copied assessments. The copied assessment is now listed in the Assessment List pane for the selected areas.