How do I update a Plan?
When should I update the Plan?
The action plan for an area reflects the TRACC status for the assessments used as a basis for the plan.
As soon as assessments have been conducted for new or existing TRACCs, you need to update your plan to reflect the latest TRACC status. By updating your plan, you will then be able to view the actions for later assessments.
Only the plan owner can update the plan, but anyone with access to the plan can edit its details (e.g. responsible person, target dates and user percentage). Guests may only view the plan.
How do I update a plan to use new assessments?
There is only one plan for an area, which can be based on assessments from many TRACCs.
The TRACC status for planner activities is triggered only when you create or update a plan. It is based on the associated assessment criteria, and the status is only indicated as ‘Complete’ when all of the associated criteria are answered as ‘Yes’.
If you change answers to criteria after you have created or updated a plan, the TRACC status is not automatically updated. This means that if you change the answers to all of an action’s criteria to ‘Yes’ after updating your plan, the status does not change to ‘Complete’. To update all the TRACC statuses in the plan, you need to update the plan.
The following information is retained in the plan when you follow the correct procedure to update it. If you do not follow the correct procedure, this information will be lost.
- Custom priorities and target stages
- Responsible persons
- Start dates
- Target dates
- Comments
Examples of how plan data can be lost:
- If you remove assessments for the TRACCs in your plan without selecting a replacement, you are removing the best practices from your plan and deleting associated data entered.
- If you update your plan to use an assessment conducted using a previous version of a TRACC (e.g. your plan was based on an FI v5.0 assessment and you updated it to use an FI v4.0 assessment) you will lose plan data.
The system confirms that you will lose plan data. Click the Cancel button and select an assessment you wish to associate with the plan.
To prevent loss of plan data, please follow these steps when updating your plan:
Step 1
Ensure that you have prepared the assessment/s on which you wish to base your updated plan.
Step 2
Right-click anywhere in the Planner and select Update Plan.
Step 3
The Assessment Picker window is displayed, listing assessments that have been conducted for the selected area.
Step 4
Select the assessment/s that you wish to use as a basis for the updated plan, by checking the relevant checkbox for each assessment. You can only select one assessment for each TRACC.
Step 5
Click the Continue button to update the plan.